Multiple Recognition Motifs in Nucleoporin Nup159 Provide a Stable and Rigid Nup159-Dyn2 Assembly

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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Biological Chemistry
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Field Biophysics
Keywords Intrinsic disorder NMR ITC polybivalency enthalpy/entropy balance
Description Dyn2 is the yeast ortholog of the molecular hub LC8, which binds disordered proteins and promotes their self-association and higher order assembly. Dyn2 is proposed to dimerize and stabilize the Nup82-Nsp1-Nup159 complex of the nuclear pore assembly through its interaction with nucleoporin Nup159. Nup159 has six LC8 recognition motifs separated by short linkers. NMR experiments reported here show that the Dyn2 binding domain of Nup159 is intrinsically disordered and that binding of one equivalent of Dyn2 dimer aligns two Nup159 chains along the full Dyn2 binding domain to form a bivalent scaffold that promotes binding of other Dyn2 dimers. Isothermal titration calorimetry of Dyn2 binding to Nup constructs of increasing lengths determine that the third LC8 recognition motifs does not bind Dyn2. A new approach to identifying active LC8 recognition motifs based on NMR-detected beta-sheet propensities is presented. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments also show that, due to unfavorable entropy changes, a Nup-Dyn2 complex with three Dyn2 dimers is more stable than the wildtype complex with five Dyn2 dimers. The calorimetric results argue that, from a thermodynamics perspective, only three Dyn2 dimers are needed for optimal stability and suggest that the evolutionary adaptation of multiple tandem LC8 recognition motifs imparts to the complex other properties such as rigidity and a kink in the rod-like structure. These findings extend the repertoire of functions of intrinsically disordered protein to fine-tuning and versatile assembly of higher order macromolecular complexes.
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