Precipitation in silicon wafers after high temperature preanneal studied by X-ray diffraction methods

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Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Physica B condensed matter
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

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Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords silicon; interstitial oxygen; precipitation
Description We have investigated oxygen precipitation in Czochralski silicon wafers focusing on influence of nucleation temperature and high temperature pre-anneal during common three step treatment. Thick Si wafers were studied mainly by x-ray diffraction in Laue transmission geometry using Mo x-ray tube, but were also compared to reciprocal space maps obtained in Bragg reflection geometry. The analysis of measured diffraction scans in Laue geometry was performed by means of Takagi equations and statistical dynamical theory of diffraction. From the simulated Laue diffraction cuvers we find the size of the individual defect area and the fraction of strain area volume in the wafer. The results obtained from x-ray diffraction were compared to loss of interstitial oxygen according to infrared absorption spectroscopy and the size of SiO2 precipitate core was estimated. These techniques are in agreement with transmission electron microscopy images.
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