Photometric study of the star with changing Blazhko effect: TV Bootis

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SKARKA Marek ZEJDA Miloslav

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords variable star; RR Lyr; Blazhko effect; TV Boo
Description This study investigates periodic modulation of the light curve of the RRc star TV Boo and its physical parameters based on photometric data. This phenomenon, known as the Blazhko effect, is quite rare among RRc stars. The frequency analysis based on the data gathered at the Masaryk University Observatory (MUO) and also using SuperWASP data revealed symmetrically structured peaks around the main pulsation frequency and its harmonics, which indicate two modulation components of the Blazhko period. The main modulation periodicity was found to be 9.7374 +- 0.0054 d. This is one of the shortest known Blazhko periods among RRc stars. The second modulation period (21.5 +- 0.2 d) causes changes of the Blazhko effect itself. Some indices show that TV Boo could be affected by long-term changes of the order of years. Basic physical parameters were estimated via an MUO V light-curve solution using Fourier parameters. TV Boo seems to be a low-metallicity star with [Fe/H] = -1.89.
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