Koncepční východiska empirického šetření "Rozvoj podniků"

Title in English Conceptual background of empirical investigation "Development of the enterprises"


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Citation ŠVANDOVÁ, Eva. Koncepční východiska empirického šetření "Rozvoj podniků" (Conceptual background of empirical investigation "Development of the enterprises"). In Štefan Majtán. Aktuálne problémy podnikovej sféry. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2012, p. 574-579. ISBN 978-80-225-3427-7.
Field Management and administrative
Keywords Competitive advantage; Five forces model; value added chain; Organizational performance
Description The construction sector is faced with a crisis that may be for many businesses liquidating. Industry "building production" dropped by 16% till fabruary 2012. Since it is not expected to change significantly even for 2013 (Glazar, 2012. P.3), efficient use of company resources and the subsequent realization of competitive advantages are becoming increasingly important issues.

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