Project information
Expression of integrins during differentiation of Schwann cells and derivative structures of the peripheral nervous system of the rat


This project doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official project website can be found on
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Project Identification
Project Period
1/1997 - 1/1999
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine

Extracellular matrix (ECM) of Schwann cells (Sc) and derived auxiliary structures plays an important role during regeneration in peripheral nervous system (PNS). Integrins involved in interactions between the cell and ECM have probably crucial function i n transition of morphogenic information from the ECM during differentiation of Sc and derived structures. During maturation the Sc take various shapes and assemble the basal lamina on the surface. The goal of present project is determination of: i/ inte


Total number of publications: 14

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