Project information
Motitvation for Economic Behaviour of the Non-For-Profit Organizations - Contribution to the Economic Theory of Non-Profit Sector
- Project Identification
- GA402/08/1693
- Project Period
- 1/2008 - 7/2009
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Keywords
- Non-for-Profit organizations, non-profit sector, motivation, behaviour models, services, social economics,
Any complex economic theory of non-for-profit organizations has to take into account their motivation for behaviour. the proposed project wants to analyze economic aspects of non-for-profit, services providing organizations behaviour. The main issue is to figure out what they really maximaise, what it mains for parameters of their output, and how it overall affects their efficiency. We understand the non-for-ptofit sector broadly, i. e. as a part of national economy where decision- making on economic activities is not primarily motivated and measured by profit as the final purpose and efficiency criterion.
Theoretical reflection of economic aspects of non-for-profit sector's conduct based on real data seems to be topical and useful. We often encounter "... entrenched ideas of charity or social benefit of non-for-profit organizations" (SMITH, 1995) as well as purely ideological opinions which consider all non-for-profit organizations a priori as suspicious or unable to compete. Unfortunately, in the Czech Republic there has not been published many empiric studies dealing with this issue. As far as we know, models of econoomic behaviour of these entities have not been tested in the Czech Republic.
Total number of publications: 9
Moderní přístupy ke zkoumání neziskovosti
Bílá místa teorie a černé díry reforem ve veřejném sektoru (supplementum), year: 2009
Analýza konkurenceschopnosti podniků v ČR
Acta Oeconomica Cassoviensia, year: 2008, volume: I., edition: 1.
Dopady čerpání fondů Evropské unie na změny v organizační struktuře.
Year: 2008
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Kam směřovaly dotace pro NNO v roce 2006
Year: 2008, type: Popularization text
NPO & Government Relations in the Czech Republic
Year: 2008, type: Conference abstract
Veřejné výdaje poskytnuté soukromým neziskovým organizacím v roce 2007 : data z Automatizovaného rozpočtového informačního systému
Year: 2008, type: Special-purpose publication
Vlivy financování projektů z evropských fondů na změnu v organizační struktuře nestátních neziskových organizací
Čtyři roky členství zemí střední a východní Evropy v EU: důsledky a nové výzvy pro národní a tegionální trhy práce, year: 2008
Výkonnost průmyslových podniků v ČR
Firma a konkurenční prostředí 2008, year: 2008