Project information
Technology for Processing and Analysis of Network Data in Big Data Concept
(Security Cloud)
- Project Identification
- TA04010062/2014
- Project Period
- 11/2014 - 10/2017
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
- MU Faculty or unit
- Institute of Computer Science
- Project Website
- Keywords
- computer network; measurement processing; big data; security; service; centralization; virtualization; parallelism
- Cooperating Organization
- Responsible person Ing. Martin Žádník, Ph.D.
The project aims at development of innovative solutions for big data processing and analysis. The created tools are able to process and analyze large volume of network data in real time. Created results reflects the current demand for big data processing tools in network monitoring domain. The outputs of the project are used in Flowmon Networks products. As a part of a project a distributed stream processing tool for network traffic analysis Stream4Flow was developed.
Total number of publications: 5
Systém pro sběr, uchování a analýzu síťových dat velkého rozsahu
Year: 2017
Toward Stream-Based IP Flow Analysis
IEEE Communications Magazine, year: 2017, volume: 55, edition: 7, DOI
A Performance Benchmark of NetFlow Data Analysis on Distributed Stream Processing Systems
NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, year: 2016
On Information Value of Top N Statistics
2016 6th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), year: 2016
Stream4Flow: Software for mining and analysis of the large volumes of network traffic
Year: 2016