Project information
Reproduction and integration of society
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622408
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
- Project Website
- Keywords
- social exclusion, social inclusion, social cohesion, social reproduction, cultural reproduction, family, migration, ethnization, labour market, un/employment, urban studies, ageing, gender
The aim of the research intention is to improve the understanding (at the level of empirical knowledge and also with the elaboration of appropriate sociological theory) of the processes that influence the demographic behaviour of the population and the reproductive strategies that influence not only the size and structure of the population but (in the form of social reproduction) maintain, deepen or weaken inadequate inequalities. This involves the identification and understanding of factors which support social cohesion (processes, mechanisms and strategies of social inclusion) or threaten it (processes and mechanisms of social exclusion); regardless of its occurrence at the level of EU, nation state, concrete localities and communities, households or individuals. It is crucial to understand how exclusive and inclusive processes are linked with biological and social reproductive strategies of families, the functioning of families, human and social capital, gender, age, ethnicity, class origin – in particular on the labour market and in relation to provisions and strategies of the welfare state.
Total number of publications: 484
Kultura - nová příležitost!
Year: 2012, type: Popularization text
Máte na to věk?
Year: 2012, type: Popularization text
Proces suburbanizace v kulturní perspektivě - teoretická přehledová stať
Sociológia / Slovak Sociological Review, year: 2012, volume: 44, edition: 1
Realizace veřejných programů a sociálních služeb na regionálních trzích práce optikou stability a flexibility státních a nestátních organizací
Fórum sociální politiky, year: 2012, volume: 6, edition: 2
Souvislosti partnerství a mateřství: vliv partnerských vztahů na rozhodování žen o mateřství
Sociální studia, year: 2012, volume: 8, edition: 4
Studium jazyka a literárně vědné postupy v sociálně-vědním výzkumu
Místo - prostor- krajina v literatuře a kultuře, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2012, number of pages: 16 s.
Výskyt a načasování nesezdaných soužití v současné ČR
Demografie, year: 2012, volume: 54, edition: 2
Year: 2011, type: Exposition
Ageismus - seriál o věkové diskriminaci
, year: 2011
Ageismus ve společnosti
Year: 2011, type: