Project information
The internal organisation and neurobiological mechanisms of functional CNS systems under normal and pathological conditions.
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622404
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
Central European Institute of Technology
- prof. MUDr. Ivan Rektor, CSc.
- Iveta Häringová
- Keywords
- -
Total number of publications: 1201
Myoklonus – srovnání účinnosti léčby podle typu ovlivněných neurotransmiterových systémů
Neurologie pro praxi., year: 2006, volume: 7, edition: 1
Myotonic dystrophy type 2
European Journal of Neurology, year: 2006, volume: 13, edition: Suppl. 2
Neurological soft signs and their relationship to outcome in first-episode schizophrenia
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, year: 2006, volume: 9, suppl.1, edition: 6
Neurological soft signs, clinical symptoms and treatment reactivity in patients suffering from first episode schizophrenia
Journal of Psychiatric Research, year: 2006, volume: 2006, edition: 40
Neuropsychological profile of cognitive functions in patients with depressive disorder and schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Research, year: 2006, volume: 81, edition: suppl. S
Nonlinear Registration for Deformation-Based Morphometry in First Episode Schizophrenia
Neuroimage - supplementum, year: 2006
Nové aspekty psychiatrické léčby
Česká a slovenská psychiatrie, year: 2006, volume: 102, edition: 6
Novinky v léčbě bipolární deprese
Psychiatrie pro praxi, year: 2006, volume: 7, edition: 3
One-year follow-up of patients with first-episode schizophrenia
Final Program and Book of Abstracts, year: 2006
Ovlivnění akutní symptomatologie u první epizody psychózy
Psychiatrie, year: 2006, volume: 10, edition: 1