Project information
Anomalous x-ray scattering from semiconductor nanostructures


This project doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Science. Official project website can be found on
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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2003 - 1/2005
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
quantum dots, x-ray diffraction, anomalous x-ray scattering

Size, shape and chemical composition of self-organized quauntum dots in
semiconductor superlattices are important parameters influencing their
electronic and optical performace. In this project, we intend to study
these properties using anomalous x-ray scattering and x-ray fluorescence
excited by a standing x-ray wave during x-ray diffraction. Magnetic
properties of the quantum dots will be investigated by magnetic x-ray
dichroism and resonant magnetic x-ray scattering. The experimental results
will be analyzed using a suitable structure model and compared with the
results of photoluminescence and magnetometry measurements. We expect to
obtain a detailed information on the shape and inhomoneneity of the
chemical composition of the dots. For the magnetic dots, an information on
the magnetic ordering of the crystal lattice of the dot will be obtained
as well as a possible magnetic interaction between the dots.


Total number of publications: 13

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