SciFlow: a modern approach to academic writing

SciFlow is an online word processor for scientists and students that makes it easy to write scientific articles and qualifying papers. It can also be used to create other documents, reports or protocols, either for working alone or in teams.

25 May 2022 Jiří Poláček

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With integrated journal article templates from major publishers or organization-specific templates that use different languages, formats (Word, LaTex), citation styles (MLA, AMA, Chicago, etc.), and citation management systems (Endnote, Mendeley, etc.), SciFlow saves time and removes the major obstacles that frustrate authors when creating a publication:

  • Text formatting and citation styles are automated
  • Team management of references is simplified
  • Collaboration takes place in real time in one place
  • Final publications in Word or PDF format are created at the touch of a button

Masaryk University now has trial access to the tool until 11 July 2022. Guidance on how to get started and how to use the platform can be found here.

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