Czech Priorities Thesis – support and stipend for young researchers in 2020–2021

8 Feb 2021 Karel Ševčík

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Many university students want to choose a high-impact research topic that could fill a real gap in current academic knowledge and not end up “in a drawer”. This is not an easy task and students might get discouraged. But they have possibilites how to avoid it.

Czech Priorities Thesis has identified various research gaps in areas close to their mission, where new research outcomes should be

  1. potentially high-impact,
  2. of interest by respected international research organizations or
  3. highly important for the Czech Republic.

In this program, the support is offered to all interested applicants in terms of:

  1. Helping to define a specific research question, hypothesis, and approach
  2. Connecting with relevant experts, organizations and/or advisors
  3. Offering ongoing mentoring and advice from our experts

In addition, a 16.000 CZK stipend (in two payments) is provided to selected applicants.

If interested, learn more here:

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