Curriculum vitae

Person Identification
  • Doc. Ing. Osvald Vašíček, CSc.
  • Masaryk University Brno
    Faculty of Economics and Administration
    Department of Mathematics and Applied Informatics
    Lipová 41a
    659 79 Brno
    The Czech Republic
Employment Position
  • Chief of the department
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 1966: Ing., Army Academy Brno
    Profil: electric special equipment of aircraft
    Master Thesis: Minimizing of relations in a system of controlling out-airport flights
  • 1978: CSc.
    Profil: technical cybernetics/control theory
    PhD. Thesis: Machinery reconstruction and reasonable stock of spare parts of agricultural machines
  • 1999: Doc., VŠE
    Habilitate Thesis: Estimating time-variant parameters, and optimal control of economic systems
Pedagogical Activities
  • EMM II (time series)
  • Econometrics
  • Macroeconomic analysis and forecast
  • Mathematic models of control
  • Quantitative economics
  • Application of mathematic models in economics
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Application of estimating theory and optimal control theory to macroeconomic models of large-scale socioeconomic systems.


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