Ing. Dušan Mladenovič, Ph.D.
Assistant professor, Department of Business Management
Total number of publications: 36
Concept of "Figure of Merit" for Place Marketing in Digital Nomadism Ages
Marketing Identity 2016, year: 2016
Potential Role of Social Media in Value Co-Creation
Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of Business Economics Management and Marketing 2016, year: 2016
Theoretical Overview of Social Media-Value (co)Creation Bond
Proceedings of 17th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – Managerial Issues in Modern Business, year: 2016
Social Media's Influence and Role on Public's Awareness Regarding Marketing Campaign
The 2nd European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2015, year: 2015
Using Tremendous Impact of Social Media to Utilize Marketing Potential
MARKETING IDENTITY 2015: Digital Life, year: 2015
Chief Risk Officer & Enterprise Risk Management – How to Expect Unexpected
Proceedings of the 1st International Internet & Business Conference, year: 2012