Total number of publications: 20
Dynamic relationship between mutual fund flows and returns: Empirical evidence from EU equity funds
4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2017, year: 2017
Investigation of performance origins of managed equity funds from EU
4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2017, year: 2017
The dynamic relationship between aggregate fund flows and share market returns: Empirical evidence from BRIC
European Financial Systems 2017. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference, year: 2017
Determinants of mutual fund flows: Evidence from equity funds from EU
SGEM Conference on Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism - Conference Proceedings - Volume III, year: 2016
Persistence of mutual fund performance in countries with emerging economies: Evidence from the Central and Eastern Europe
SGEM Conference on Political Sciences, Law, Finance, Economics and Tourism - Conference Proceedings - Volume III, year: 2016
The reporting of goodwill in national and international context: Evidence from the Czech Republic
WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, year: 2016, volume: 13, edition: 2016
Application of Gravity Framework to Bilateral Mutual Fund Flows in the Asia Pacific Region
European Financial Systems 2015: Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference, year: 2015
Modeling the Size of the Mutual Fund Industry in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Financial Assets and Investing, year: 2015, volume: Volume 6, edition: Issue 1, DOI
Performance Evaluation of Equity Mutual Funds in Countries with Emerging Economies: Evidence from BRIC, CEE, SEA and MENA Regions
Procedia Economics and Finance. 3rd Economics & Finance Conference, year: 2015
Testing market efficiency of the emerging capital markets in countries of the Central and Eastern Europe
Enterprise and Competetive Environment 2015: Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference, year: 2015