Courses taught
Autumn 2008 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Modely elektronického bankovnictví v hospodářské politice (D_MEBHP, D_MTP, D_MUS, D_TPP, D_TPV, D_WA3, D_WP)
- ABC of Salary Systems (KFAMS, PFAMS)
- Accounting of Insurance Companies (KFUCPJ, PFUCPO)
- Actuarial Theory I (KFPOMI, PFPOMI)
- Bank Accounting (KFBAUC, PFBAUC)
- Bank Management (KFBMAN, PFBAMA)
- Bank Regulation and Supervision (KFBRAD, PFBRAD)
- Banking
- Banking II
- Banking Marketing
- Bond Analysis (KFANDL, PFANDL)
- Corporate Accounting
- Corporate Banking
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Finance for Financial Specialisation (KFFFFP, PFFFFP)
- Crisis management of E-Banking
- Diploma Thesis Seminar I A (KFDSIA, PFDSIA)
- Diploma Thesis Seminar I B (KFDSIB, PFDSIB)
- Diploma Thesis Seminar I C (KFDSIC, PFDSIC)
- Diploma Thesis Seminar I D (KFDSID, PFDSID)
- E-banking
- European Accounting (KFEVUC, PFEVUC)
- Exchanges and securities
- Financial Accounting I (KFFUI, KFFUI_T, PFFUI)
- Financial Accounting III (KFFU3, PFFU3)
- Financial Analysis and Plan (KFFAAP, PFFAAP)
- Financial Investment
- Financial Markets (KFFITR, PFFITR, PFFMRA, PFFMRN)
- Financial Mathematics for FP (KFFMFP, KFFMFP_T)
- Financial mathematics for FP
- Fundamentals of Monetary Development
- History of Money (KFDEPZ, KFDEPZ_T)
- Insurance Economics (KFPOEK, PFPOEK)
- Insurance Industry
- Insurance Market (KFPOTR, PFPOTR)
- International Accounting (KFMEUC, PFMEUC)
- International Financial Institutions (KFMEFI, PFMEFI)
- Reinsurance
- Reinsurance Basics
- Scientific work
- Social Insurance
- Special banking
- Special Working Experience
- Transformation of the Financial system in the Czech Republic
- Treasury Management
Spring 2008 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2008 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Finanční účetnictví II (C_KFFUII, C_KFFUII_T)
- Accounting and Taxes
- Actuarial Theory II (CN_KFPMII, KFPMII)
- Auditing
- Baccalaureate Thesis Seminar (KFSBP, KFSBP_T)
- Bachelor Work (KFBP, KFBP_T)
- Bachelors Seminar
- Bachelors Work