The faculty department of the Computer Technology Centre
The Computer Technology Centre at the MU Faculty of Informatics takes patronage over the project of IS-engineers and E-engineers at the university. Individual divisions at MU faculties provide user support in using the e-learning agenda of the MU Information System and innovation of subjects. Both teachers and students at Masaryk University can ask the engineers any questions related to electronic learning support (e-learning) through the Information System of Masaryk University, either personally (office no. 003), by phone or by e-mail. General e-mail communication is preferred, with a substitute provided in case of absence.
IS-engineers and E-engineers participate in the implementation of the Centre of Interactive and Multimedia Study Support for Innovation in Teaching and Effective Learning project, which is co-funded by the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme (European Social Fund) and from the Czech state budget.
In 2009-2012, E-engineers participated in the implementation of the Education System for the IT-Supported Innovation of Study Programmes project.
How can we help you?
An IS-engineer provides support to administrative staff, teachers and students in using the information system. For example, in the following applications: