Výzkum a vývoj v regionech nových členských států EU

Title in English Research and Development in the Region of the New EU Member States

ŽÍTEK Vladimír KLÍMOVÁ Viktorie

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XII. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords research and development; region; new member states of the EU
Description Research and development, as a source of innovations, is an important factor for development of regions. The article contains regional analysis of research and development in ten new member states of the EU. The analysis is based on indicators of expenditures on R&D (gross and enterprise expenditures) and indicator of employment in R&D. Through these indicators the regions are compared to each other and to average of the EU. At the conclusion synthesis of all indicators and general assessment of R&D are carried out.
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