Implementace metainformačního katalogu pro krizové řízení


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Title in English Metainformation catalogue implementation for Crisis management


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Výroční mezinárodní konference ČGS
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords metadata; spatial data infrastructures; INSPIRE; Crisis management
Description Metadata are an integral part of geographic information, as well as spatial data infrastructures (SDI). This paper follows existing publications that have defined ISO standards compliant profile for a Crisis management and tested work with metadata in different geoinformatical platforms. That is the reason why this full paper is focused on the Crisis management profile implementation while filling in metadata at the same time. Below mentioned approach can be considered as a theoretical application study for the Crisis management and also as a general way for creation and management of metainformation according to the ISO standards and the INSPIRE Directive for geographical community. Presented principles are useable at all fields where orientation of vast amount of data is needed.
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