Alternativní ukazatel lidského rozvoje na regionální úrovni na příkladu ČR

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Title in English Alternative human development index at the regional level : the case of the Czech Republic

PETR Ondřej TONEV Petr

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XI. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Czech Republic; regional analysis; human development; composite indicator
Description The contribution is aimed at the assessment of human development in the Czech Republic. From the point of view of indexes, which are commonly used by the UN in United Nations Development Programme, the Czech Republic is a small and homogenous area. The main objective of the contribution is to construct appropriate composite index that could help to analyse differences in human development level (or living standard) in the regions of the Czech Republic. Alternative human development index (Alt-HDI), based on the HDI concept used by the UN is applied at the regional level and then at the level of districts so that deeper analysis of regional differentiation of the Czech Republic could be carried out.
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