Regionální rozměr podpory rozvoje inovací

Title in English Regional dimension of innovation development support

KLÍMOVÁ Viktorie ŽÍTEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Současné problémy rozvoje regionů a přístup veřejné správy k jejich řešení
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Innovation; regional development; subsidy
Description In the Czech Republic as well as in the European Union, the large accent is put on innovations, because they are considered as the main tool for competitiveness increasing. In the long-term viewpoint, the Czech Republic can not rely on its comparative advantage in low cost, but just the innovations must be the main competitive advantage. Innovations are also supported from the structural funds of EU, especially from programme Innovations. The main goal of our article is to evaluate this programme for innovation support. In the beginning the programme is described – who is it intended for, what activities are supported, which conditions have to be fulfilled and so on. In the main part of our article we analyse the amount of allocated resources, interest in participation in these programmes, the most often supported branches etc. These facts are analysed also from the regional point of view.
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