Vegetation of trampled habitats in the Czech Republic: a formalized phytosociological classification


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Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference European Vegetation Survey - 15th Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords Cocktail method; trampled habitats; classification; Czech Republic
Description Ruderal vegetation has been traditionally classified into many vegetation units in the Central European syntaxonomy. The units are mostly distinguished on the basis of expert opinion, usually without any detailed analysis. Large data set of phytosociological relevés, extracted from the Czech National Phytosociological Database, was used for revision of the current classification of the vegetation in trampled habitats in the Czech Republic. The relevés belonging to the class Polygono arenastri-Poëtea annuae Rivas-Martínez 1975 corr. Rivas-Martínez et al. 1991 were analysed using a procedure of formalized reproduction of an expert-based vegetation classification. To define the associations in a formal way, the Cocktail method was used. The definitions of particular associations were created using the geografically stratified data set of 27 315 relevés of all vegetation types of the Czech Republic. The associations were delimited mostly by dominance of species and also by combinations of sociological species groups created by the Cocktail method. Taking into account the results of the previous cluster analyses, seven associations were defined. Some of the traditionally recognized associations were rejected because of their unclear delimitation and the lack of good diagnostic species.
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