Work ability in the context of the JD-R model: Pathways to promote the well-being of teachers

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Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description First, we will introduce a new research instrument measuring work ability among teachers conceptually distinct from other constructs and its psychometrical properties. Second, we will extend the understanding of the relationships between teachers’ work ability on the one hand and job demands, job resources, and burnout on the other hand. This paper’s main focus will be investigating the mediating role of burnout in work ability. In addition to enriching the JD-R theory, our findings might have some practical implications for the maintenance and promotion of teachers’ work ability. Based on our findings, we will provide recommendations to support work ability and, thus, indirectly to the well-being of teachers. Recommendations will be directed not only to teachers but also to school management.
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