Senioři v krizích a otázka věkové přátelskosti složek integrovaných záchranných systémů

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Older Persons in Emergencies, Disaster and Other Types of Crisis and the Age-friendliness of Integrated Rescue Systems


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Stárnutí 2023 : Sborník příspěvků 6. gerontologické mezioborové konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web sborník - full text
Keywords rescue systems; ageing population; natural disasters
Attached files
Description There is an unprecedented increase in the number of older people in the world's populations, including the Czech Republic. This increase is also reflected in an increase in the proportion of older people among the clients of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS), whose impact is caused by individual crises (falls, missing persons), medium and large-scale (e.g. associated (not only) with climate change (e.g. tornadoes, floods, pandemics, etc.). International studies show that crises affect the older persons particularly severely. While a physically and cognitively healthy older adults with an active social network is exposed to risks during crises similar to the rest of the population, a frail, socially isolated and homebound older adult becomes extremely vulnerable. However, emergency services in the Czech Republic lack a unified methodology to ensure, reinforce and implement age-friendly services and interventions in times of crisis. Our paper aims to begin to highlight this problem by naming the main areas of the age-friendly approach and points out selected examples of inspirational praxis. We present two manuals from countries that regularly face crisis (USA, Japan), and a handbook from HelpAge International, an organzation dedicated to addressing ageing and fighting ageism. We recommend considering the adaptation of these materials for the Czech context, where existing examples of good practice are primarily of a local nature. In conclusion, we indicate the barriers that may prevent the implementation of necessary measures, and raise the question of broader debates on ethical and human rights aspects of protecting life in older age. The paper is presented as part of the sub-project of the National Institute for Research on Socioeconomic Impacts of Diseases and Systemic Risks SYRI (LX22NPO5101), which deals with interdisciplinary research on society with regard to new social, demographic, environmental and health risks.
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