‘Tracing Intertextuality in the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project (BDMP) edition of Pas moi’

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LITTLE James Joseph

Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This poster presentation shows how a digital genetic edition of Samuel Beckett’s play Pas moi (first staged as Not I, 1972) can help us better understand the intertextual dynamics in his work. By linking intertextual references in this play to the Beckett Digital Library (www.beckettarchive.org), and annotating these links in the digital genetic edition, users of the BDMP can see which editions of other writers’ works Beckett owned at the time of his death, and thus get a better picture of his creative process. I will focus on one such instance from the digital genetic edition and would then be happy to discuss the broader implications of these digital tools for the study of intertextuality.
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