Achieving Cyber Power Through Integrated Government Capability : Factors Jeopardizing Civil-Military Cooperation on Cyber Defense


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PAČKA Roman MAREŠ Miroslav

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Applied Security Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords Cyber defense; cyber power; cyber security; civil-military; cyberspace
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Description The article examines one narrowly focused aspect of the government interagency cooperation on cyber defense that serves as a basis to achieve a cyber power. It reviews the civil-military interagency cooperation and aims to identify factors that could jeopardize it. First, it provides a theoretical background for the research and then according to interviews and surveys, the factors with the highest negative impact are recognized. Based on this research, the most significant challenges in bridging the gap between civilian and military worlds seems to be power and budget struggles and a lack of political direction on cyber matters from leaders.
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