Bảo quản kỹ thuật số trong môi trường điện toán đám mây


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Digital preservation in the cloud

NGUYEN Thi My Dieu

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Qu?n lý va b?o m?t tai li?u đi?n t? trong b?i c?nh công nghi?p 4.0: Th?c tr?ng - Gi?i pháp
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://luutrutinh.hatinh.gov.vn/news/522_Ban-tin-thoi-su-Ha-Tinh-toi-26-10-2018-Toa-dam-khoa-hoc-Quan-ly-va-bao-mat-tai-lieu-dien-tu-trong-boi-canh-Cach-mang-cong-nghiep-4-0-Thuc-trang-va-giai-phap.aspx
Keywords digital, preservation, cloud
Description Preserving digital information objects has been facing many challenges related to policy, legislation and metadata. Many types of digital information have existed in many different forms. Each digital information object has a different management and preservation method. Digital preservation should cope with technical and organizational challenges, including accessibility, reuse, authenticity, sustainability, and integrity. These requirements are very important in the public sector where agencies and organizations are connected together, perform many processes and create many different documents and records. The paper presents brief summaries of three levels of digital preservation concepts as defined by Thibodeau (2002).

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