Brownfield Revitalization as an Opportunity for Smart Districts



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on European Integration 2020
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords brownfields; brownfield revitalization; European Union; smart city; smart district; sustainable urban development
Description Nowadays, Europe faces an increasing urbanization rate of around 80%; people struggle with environmental pollution and high energy consumption. New information and communication technologies are a way for cities to increase their competitiveness. The smart and intelligent city is aware of all these challenges and implements the necessary policies, such as brownfield revitalization into the smart district as a new way to deal with current urban challenges. The initiative of European Union called the European Innovation Partnership for Smart Cities and Communities supports such innovative projects. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to set recommendations and possibilities of cooperation with the private sector for the new smart district in Brno, the Czech Republic, mainly through the analysis of the practice of building the smart districts in selected foreign cities. The author carried out an international research and interviewed local experts. Apart from the interviews, the descriptive research method of the concept of the smart district is used, and selected foreign smart districts are compared
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