Nationalismuskritik in der Brünner kosmopolitischen Zeitschrift Die Wahrheit und der (Inter-)Aktionsradius der Brünner Kosmopoliten


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Title in English Criticism of nationalism in the cosmopolitan biweekly Die Wahrheit and the radius of action of the cosmopolitan movement in Brno


Year of publication 2019
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Zeitschriften als Knotenpunkte der Moderne/n. Prag - Brünn - Wien
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords cosmopolitan movement; interwar Czechoslovakia; Brno; Brünn; pacifism; critique of national paradigm; pre-communist socialist movements; literatures in Czech
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Description The article analyzes the activity of the Cosmopolitan Society (1919-1924) in Brno with regard to two central points. First, the articles in its monthly/biweekly Die Wahrheit (1919-1923) that criticize various aspects of the national paradigm are examined. This analysis leads to the result that the journal includes remarkably fundamental rejections of this paradigm, which, for example, opposed projects such as the League of Nations that emerged after the First World War, since this "only" combines respective nationalisms, what from the point of view of these cosmopolitans was untenable. Secondly, the paper examines the networks in which the Brno Cosmopolitan Society participated on several levels, beginning with a view to continuities of comparable views in German language Brno, as well as interactions with similarly tuned Czech-language platforms and initiatives in early Czechoslovakia. In both cases it has been shown that there can be no question of perceiving the German-speaking cosmopolitan movement in Czechoslovakia as being isolated. There were remarkable continuities both in Brno and throughout the republic, be it to other local associations such as the "Association of Proletarian Freethinkers", educational institutions such as the "Masaryk Adult Education School" in Brno, or left-liberal Czech-language magazines (Kmen, Červen).
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