Phraseologismen als Ausdrucksmittel von Emotionen. Dargestellt an Basisemotionen Freude, Angst, Trauer, Ärger und Liebe


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Title in English Idioms for expressing of basic emotions joy, fear, sadness, anger and love

MALÁ Jiřina

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The attention of this paper is concentrated on emotionality and her expression. Idioms belong to the most important lexical means of expression. The paper focuses on the metaphoric or metonymic idioms to express the emotions of joy, fear, sadness, anger and love. In the current German phraseology wordbooks the examples are not enough documented, therefore it is necessary to consult the electronic corpus (dwdsk) to improve the using of the idioms in the practice.
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