Pejorative phraseologische Personenbezeichnungen im Deutschen und Tschechischen (z.B. trübe Tasse, lahme Ente, freche Kröte, komischer Kauz)


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Title in English Pejorative phraseological denomination of persons in German and Czech (using the example of trübe Tasse, lahme Ente, komischer Kauz, freche Kröte)

MALÁ Jiřina

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The article focuses on nominal idioms with pejorative denomination of persons (also possible as swear words) in German and Czech. Particularly, the four idioms trübe Tasse, lahme Ente, komischer Kauz, freche Kröte in German and German-Czech phraseological wordbooks as well as their usage in electronic corpora are analysed.
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