Zeit und das Zeitliche in der Dissertation „Lukas Bärfuss‘ dramatisches Schaffen im Kontext des deutschsprachigen Dramas nach 1945“


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Time and temporality in the dissertation "Lukas Bärfuss' dramatic work in the context of the German-language drama after 1945"


Year of publication 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The dramatic work of Lukas Bärfuss is largely shaped by events that were highly topical at the time of the respective performance and is also frequently fed, among other things, on emotionally charged public debates. For instance, Bärfuss takes a look at the Swiss way of coming to terms with the past in the stage work of Twenty Thousand Pages, and he boils the ignorance of the collective war guilt down to an essence. Fierce discussions about the handling of euthanasia in Switzerland have been reflected in his drama Alice's trip to Switzerland again. In numerous texts about his work, there is often said that he is an author who has a particularly keen sense of contemporary topics. This simplifying attribution requires critical scrutiny.
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