The Environment for enterpreneurs - Comparative study for chosen European countries



Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2015
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords start-up; entrepreneur; entrepreneurship; individual entrepreneurship factors; institutional entrepreneurship factors
Description Entrepreneurship is considered as one of the fundament of the each economy, especially economies of the western type based on democratic principles and freedom accompanied by economical competition. Thus it is very important to take a closer look at the entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship environment from the entrepreneur point of view from chosen European countries. Entrepreneurs as the driver of the economy progress and the development of the entrepreneurship environment has their own intentions for starting-up new enterprises and also the complications connected with the abovementioned process of creation of new enterprises. The intentions and obstacles are based not only on the individual preferences of the future entrepreneurs but also according to state of institutions at the selected country. The aim of the article is to analyse factors influencing entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship environment at the individual bases and institutional bases in chosen European countries. Conducted analysis and its results are designed as comparative study where there are stressed identified differences for each country. The study is based at information from secondary data source based on Eurostat data, especially the Business Success Factors, with individual point of view at entrepreneurs. Data are selected to categories as the gender, age, and branch experiences of the participants of the survey. There are also the data connected with the motives for the starting a new business and the expected obstacles connected with this activity. Data are analysed and conducted as the comparative study with the effort to identified typical characteristics of the entrepreneur for each selected European country and the relationship between entrepreneurs´ characteristics and the entrepreneurship environment. The results presented in the article are parts of the specific research of the start-up possibilities and nascent enterprises.
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