František Mareš a úloha citu v procesu filosofického poznávání


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Title in English František Mareš and the Task of Sense in the Process of Philosophical Knowledge


Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Czech philosopher František Mareš (1857-1942) is based on Kant's epistemology, in whose spirit restricts the rational understanding of the human experience. This limitation is by Mareš always bear in mind of the natural science. But science does not capture the whole reality, further knowledge is possible, which is already not happening by reason, but is happening by sense. Senses belong to the human subject, which is the soul (empirically directly inaccessible and which is manifested even in sentiment). By sense we posture mindsets and we evaluate, but only on the basis of the evaluation we are able to recognize in the world of purposes - traces of the life force, global actor. By sense we also recognize the freedom that is a prerequisite for morality. Transcendent moral law is where, according to Mareš idea the world and humanity is heading, idea to which the humanity and the world is approaching by development of culture (based on moral grounds), especially in religion.
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