Příjmová chudoba a materiální deprivace v České republice podle indikátorů EU - vývoj v důsledku krize, fiskální konsolidace a sociální reformy.



Year of publication 2013
Type Monograph
Description In this monograph we are focusing on the trends in risks of poverty, material and financial deprivation and social exclusion in the Czech Republic with focus on children, with the aim is to provide an overview of developments in years 2008-2011, finally, to assess the impact of the crisis and the impact of social reforms on the development of the risk of poverty and social exclusion. The study includes the analysis of the factors influencing the risks of poverty among children and other population categories, analysis the role of housing costs in terms of impact on the risk of poverty and deprivation, and offers international comparisons. It also deals with the category of the population receiving social assistance benefits and their income situation. The deterioration of the risk of poverty can be observed especially in the year 2011 (incomes are from year 2010). The risk of poverty and social exclusion are still relative low, but they are concentrated into certain categories of the population, including chi ldren population. Beside the relatively high levels of deprivation in some items of material deprivation can be observed, specifically, the costs of housing are becoming more important. The effectiveness of social transfers in eliminating the risks of poverty has decreased.

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