Issues of coporate social responsibility web site communication of metal industry companies



Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference METAL 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web seznam přípsěvků s abstraktem autora
Field Management and administrative
Keywords CSR metal industry web communication
Attached files
Description Companies processing and manufacturing metals belong to those which activities have significant impact on various issues covered by Corporate Social Responsibility towards several groups of affected stakeholders. One of the medium used for communication with the external stakeholders is also web site. Which information about companies should be or need not to be offered on web is the result of decision making. This is internal concern of managers resulting from the influence of different forces and interest. Paper presents the result of web sites content analysis focused on CSR communication of metal industry companies. The major objective of the analysis is to find out which themes within CSR are communicated through this medium.
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