Courses taught
Autumn 2019 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Financial Accounting 1 (BKF_FIU1, BPF_FIU1)
- Financial Analysis and Plan (MKF_FAAP, MPF_FAAP)
- Financial Investment (MKF_FIIN, MPF_FIIN)
- Financial investments
- Financial Management
- Financial Markets (BKF_FITR, BPF_FITR)
- Financial Mathematics (BKF_FIMA, BPF_FIMA)
- Fundamentals of Monetary Development
- Indirect taxes (MKF_NEDA, MPF_NEDA)
- Insurance Market (MKF_POTR, MPF_POTR)
- International Accounting
- International Accounting (for Czech studies)
- International Accounting Standards (MKF_MUST, MPF_MUST)
- International Finance (MKF_MEFI, MPF_MEFI)
- International Finance and Institutions
- Internship
- Internship abroad
- Managing Personal Finances
- Master Thesis (MKF_TEDP, MPF_TEDP)
- Preparation for broker's exams (MKF_PZOZ, MPF_PZOZ)
- Preparation of dissertation
- Preparation of the dissertation
- Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets
- Reinsurance (MKF_ZAJI, MPF_ZAJI)
- Research Workshop
- Risk management in insurance (MKF_RRVP, MPF_RRVP)
- Security Analysis and Derivatives
- Structured products (MKF_STPR, MPF_STPR)
- Structured Products
- Study of literature (DXF_GESL, DXF_SLIT)
- Teaching assitance
- The Security Analysis 1 (MKF_ACP1, MPF_ACP1)
- The Transformation of the Financial System
- Working Experience
Spring 2019 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Odborná způsobilost na finančním trhu: deriváty (CKF_OZDE, CKF_OZIM, CKF_OZIP, CKF_OZOP, CKF_OZOZ, CKF_VPRB)
- Analysis of securities 2 (MKF_ACP2, MPF_ACP2)
- Asset Pricing
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (BKF_BAS1, BPF_BAS1)
- Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (BKF_BAS2, BPF_BAS2)
- Banking 1
- Banking I
- Behavioral finance
- Big Data Analytics in Finance
- Computerised Accounting Systems (MKF_USPC, MPF_USPC)
- Corporate Accounting (MKF_UCFI, MPF_UCFI)
- Corporate Finance and Financial Analysis
- Corporate Finance and Financial Analysis (for Czech studies)
- Derivatives of Financial Markets
- Diploma seminar 1
- Diploma seminar 2
- Diploma Thesis (MKF_DIPR, MPF_DIPR)
- Diploma thesis
- Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 (MKF_DIS1, MPF_DIS1)
- Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 (MKF_DIS2, MPF_DIS2)
- Direct taxes (MKF_PRDA, MPF_PRDA)
- Economics and bank management